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Bettering Outcomes

Our combination of forensics, construction project advisory, compliance, and regulatory consulting solutions lead to just, safe, sustainable, and community-enhancing outcomes that have a positive impact on society.

Our Services

Our expertise extends beyond a single viewpoint, encompassing both the strategic overview and the meticulous examination of specific details. Your business challenges are faced with comprehensive expertise, delivering impactful insights from diverse perspectives. We are committed to delivering exceptional value, guiding you through the entire process from initial assessment to a successful and efficient resolution.

Highlighted case studies

See how we work in close partnership with you to better outcomes. VERTEX’s problem-solvers leverage innovative technologies and a full suite of services to address your challenges and execute tailored solutions.

North America One River North Construction Monitoring Construction Management / Construction Inspection

One River North, a 16-story luxury residence in Denver, Colorado, features biophilic design inspired by Colorado’s terrain. VERTEX provided lender’s construction monitoring, ensuring quality, budget, and schedule adherence.

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North America Breakwater and Other Harbor Improvements Construction Claims Consulting

VERTEX served as delay, termination, damages, and forensic accounting experts for a Chicago harbor project. They prepared six expert reports, provided deposition testimony, and the case settled pre-trial.

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North America Boston University Center for Computing & Data Sciences Owner’s Representation

VERTEX served as Owner’s Project Manager for Boston University’s Center for Computing & Data Sciences, a 19-story, $288M fossil-fuel-free building. VERTEX managed risks, budget, schedule, and sustainability features, achieving success amid the pandemic.

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North America Fire Suppression System Review Fire Protection

VERTEX designed the firewater system for North America’s largest shiplift in Jacksonville, Florida, supporting critical military vessels. The project was completed on time, within budget, and with successful outcomes.

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North America Asbestos Release at a Hospital Industrial Hygiene & Building Sciences

VERTEX reviewed claimed costs for asbestos-fiber remediation following a disturbance at a hospital in Ontario, Canada. They assessed the reasonableness and necessity of the claimed costs and evaluated the scope of work.

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North America VERTEX Assists Developer in Solar Farm Dispute with General Contractor Construction Claims Consulting

VERTEX served as a delay and damages expert for a developer in a dispute with a terminated general contractor on a solar farm project in Wisconsin. They assessed claims, quantified damages, and provided expert testimony.

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CA Evaluation of Soil Impacts with Pesticides/Waste Characterization and Management Environmental Claims Consulting

VERTEX assisted an international insurance carrier in reviewing a real estate developer’s environmental pollution claim related to pesticide-impacted soil. Their analysis identified cost-saving disposal alternatives, aiding settlement negotiations.

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Experts Testimonial

We are dedicated to the Power of AND. We reject the notion that businesses need to be one way or the other. We believe in linking uncommon behaviors to provide unique solutions that better outcomes.

William J. McConnell

Boston, MA

Chairman of the Board

I’m very passionate about visiting job sites and knowing that my work contributes to creating safe and healthy environments, ensuring workers can return home safely to their families.

Ian Lyster


Project Manager, Industrial Hygienist

Donec scelerisque tortor eget vestibulum efficitur. Morbi vestibulum, dolor eget efficitur imperdiet.

Derek Dauberman


Division Manager, Industrial Hygiene & Building Sciences


Discover industry insights and knowledge from our expert team.

VERTEX's Attends 2024 PLRB Western Regional Adjusters Conference

Nick Cane and the VERTEX team will be attending AI & Construction Law Part 2: Revolutionising Dispute Resolution on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at The Rolls Building, Second Floor, Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1NL. This seminar, organized by the Technology and Construction Court, King’s College London, TECSA, TECBAR, the Society of Construction Law, and the […]

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This evening, Nick Cane and Paul Comer will be attending the third seminar in the International Construction Arbitration Perspectives on Best Practice series. Date: February 10, 2025Time: 17:30 – 20:00 GMTVenue: King’s College London, Council Room, King’s Building, Strand Campus, London Hosted by Pinsent Masons and King’s Centre of Construction Law & Dispute Resolution, this […]

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News VERTEX Attends Pub K Annual Review 2025 Conference / Tradeshow
Conference Event crowd
VERTEX Attends the 2025 NMHC Apartment Strategies Conference News
Boston, MA
News VERTEX Exhibits at Connect 351 News

Which properties are impacted by California’s recent changes to Exterior Elevated Elements inspection laws? California’s recent legislation, AB-2579, introduces key changes to inspection requirements for Exterior Elevated Elements (EEEs) in multifamily properties. This update impacts property owners across the state, extending deadlines and clarifying compliance expectations. Key Points  Background  During the middle of the night, […]

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To live our purpose, VERTEX engineers buildings and critical infrastructure to create a safer, sounder world. We provide scientific consulting on vital environmental issues to enhance global sustainability. We advise on the delivery of important construction projects and programs to enrich communities. We solve complex forensic challenges to allow for sound business decisions and just outcomes. We maximize human potential through professional development and lifelong learning.

Who We Are

VERTEX is dedicated to the Power of And. We reject the notion that businesses need to be one way OR the other. We believe in linking uncommon behaviors and beliefs to better outcomes for our clients, employees, industry, and communities.
Bill McConnell PE, MSCE, JD, CEO

Who We Work With



VERTEX delivers carriers, syndicates, defense firms, third-party administrators, underwriters and risk managers value on every underwriting assignment, claim or subrogation matter.



VERTEX is an industry leader in the surety claims marketplace. We have successfully worked on many of the largest and most complex surety claim assignments throughout the globe.



VERTEX offers services for all types of real estate: commercial, office, mixed-use and multi-tenant property, education, healthcare, and industrial property.



VERTEX provides attorneys with expert services and consulting in legal matters throughout the globe.



VERTEX provides forensic consulting, design engineering, construction, and environmental solutions to local, state and federal agencies globally.



VERTEX provides consulting and risk management for real estate transactions globally.



VERTEX delivers indoor air quality and building water systems management & compliance services to hospitals and healthcare facilities.



Local and multi-national industrials retain VERTEX to provide environmental and construction consulting and management throughout the globe.



VERTEX’s technical services come together for developers who need engineering design, environmental, and construction experts.



Property managers & HOAs hire VERTEX to provide engineering, construction and environmental services, or as a reconstruction contractor to address construction defect issues and water/fire damage.



VERTEX provides architects with design engineering, construction, environmental and IT solutions for the planning, analysis, and design of architectural, civil infrastructure and land development projects internationally.



Commercial Tenants retain VERTEX for design, construction, and maintenance support.
