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Vapor Intrusion Investigation, Former Commerical Laundry Operation

Project # 55287

Vapor Intrusion Investigation, Former Commerical Laundry Operation

VERTEX was retained by the developer for a national self-storage client to evaluate potential vapor intrusion in two repurposed site buildings at a property that was historically utilized as a large commercial laundry operation and which previously underwent chemical injection treatment for the remediation of chlorinated solvents.

VERTEX conducted an inspection and investigation of soil vapor intrusion via sub-slab soil gas and indoor air sampling, which confirmed the presence of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) exceeding the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) guidance criteria. VERTEX recommended the installation of a sub-slab depressurization system (SSDS) across the majority of the one building footprint to prevent the movement and buildup of vapors and vapor intrusion. During the site investigation and GPR survey activities, two underground storage tanks (USTs) were discovered on the property that were associated with the former operations: one 40,000-gallon water tank and one 10,000-gallon fuel oil tank.
VERTEX managed the closure of the two USTs, the abandonment of three water supply wells, the registration of 20 drywells with the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and cleaning of the drywells, and sampling and closure of existing monitoring wells at the property. In addition, VERTEX designed and oversaw the installation of the SSDS and confirmed the system operation and effectiveness to prevent vapor intrusion.

VERTEX was additionally contracted to perform an investigation of yellow and rust-colored stains of the building interior walls and second floor composite floor slab. Sampling along with visual inspection and thermal photography was performed on the property to determine the possible cause of the staining. It was determined that drainage and excess moisture trapped during construction of the floor and walls during renovations was the cause of the staining. A detailed summary letter was prepared and professional dehumidification of the buildings was recommended.

VERTEX successfully managed numerous tasks that required various expertise and long-term presence on-site to achieve proper regulatory closures and successful remediation of the site. VERTEX worked closely with government entities to ensure onsite activities were executed correctly and in accordance with the most stringent guidelines.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Remediation services or to speak with an Environmental Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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