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River’s Edge Public Involvement Plan Public Repository

Welcome to the public repository webpage for the River’s Edge Development Site in Wayland, MA. The documents pertained herein regarding the environmental assessment and remediation are governed by the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). Under the MCP, a site may be designated as a Public Involvement Plan (PIP) site following the submittal of a petition by residents. The MassDEP received a petition to make River’s Edge a PIP site in December 2020, with River’s Edge officially receiving PIP site designation in January 2021.

Historical and future official environmental documents are available to be viewed and downloaded on this website and the MassDEP online database:

Print copies can be made upon request. Please reach out to Bill Gibbons PG, LSP to request a copy of any publicly available document.

Brief Site History

The River’s Edge Development Site (the Site) is located at 484-490 Boston Post Road (Route 20), Wayland, MA. The Site is located directly east of the Sudbury Landfill, southeast of the Wayland Transfer Station, and approximately 1,500 feet west of the Sudbury River. The Site formerly operated as a wastewater treatment plant, municipal firing range, and DPW storage yard.

Environmental assessments completed at the Site have identified oil and/or hazardous materials (OHM) at concentrations that required the MassDEP be notified. These notifications are identified by MassDEP as Release Tracking Numbers (RTNs), which are used to keep track of the assessment and remediation activities at the Site. A brief explanation of each of the RTNs, and the associated documents pertaining to the assessment and remediation of the OHM associated with each of these RTNs are found below.

Timeline of Submitted Reports
This document provides a brief timeline of reports that have been submitted to the MassDEP for RTNs 3-34474 and 3-36013.


RTN 3-34474 – Remediation Complete

This RTN was assigned to a detection of asbestos in the DPW stockpiled soil in 2017. It has since been assessed and remediated according to MassDEP regulations.

9/21/2017: Notice of Responsibility
This document is the official letter sent by the state to the Town of Wayland identifying the Town of Wayland as the person responsible to complete remediation associated with RTN 3-34474.

10/12/2017: IRA Plan
This document outlines the steps that are to be taken to assess the extent of the asbestos identified in the stockpile and how the asbestos is to be remediated.

12/11/2017: IRA Status Report
A status of assessment and remediation completed to date.

6/11/2018: IRA Status Report
A status of assessment and remediation completed to date.

8/14/2018: Phase I ISI Report
A status of assessment and remediation completed to date.

12/14/2018: IRA Status Report
A status of assessment and remediation completed to date.

6/12/2019: IRA Status Report
A status of assessment and remediation completed to date.

12/11/2019: IRA Status Report
A status of assessment and remediation completed to date.

6/12/2020: IRA Status Report
A status of assessment and remediation completed to date.

1/26/2021: IRA Closure and Permanent Solution Statement Report
This report provides a summary of all work (assessment and remediation) completed at the Site. It also includes a risk characterization that determines a condition of no significant risk exists to human health, public welfare, and the environment at the site following remediation, and therefore the remediation is complete and the RTN is considered closed.


RTN 3-36013

This RTN was assigned to the detection of lead and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in the DPW stockpiled soil, the detection of antimony, copper, and lead in the firing range soil, and ammonia, dissolved arsenic, and dissolved nickel in groundwater.

Draft Public Involvement Plan

Draft Public Involvement Plan Presentation

3/18/21: Draft Public Involvement Plan Presentation Video

6/11/2021: Final River’s Edge Public Involvement Plan and Response to Public Comment

3/15/2021 – TBD:
Combined Soil Disposal Paperwork
These documents were submitted to various landfills to request that soils from River’s Edge be accepted at the facility. The Bills of Lading accompany each load of soil that is transported from River’s Edge to the Landfill.

3/31/2021: RAM Status Report No. 1
This document was prepared to provide additional information regarding the stabilization of lead impacted soils within the firing range.

5/7/2021: RAM Status Report No. 2
This document was prepared to provide additional information regarding RAM Activities including: the continued excavation of the 32,000 cubic yard soil stockpile and transportation to approved facilities, the stabilization of lead in the firing range and stockpile cell E-7, post stabilization confirmatory soil sampling and analysis, and confirmatory sampling and analysis of native soils under the 32,000 cubic yard stockpile.

5/11/2021: Tier Classification Transfer Submittal
Alta River’s Edge, LLC purchased the Site from the Town of Wayland. This document includes the necessary paperwork to officially transfer of remediation responsibilities from the Town of Wayland to Alta River’s Edge, LLC.

6/10/2021: Response to Comment: RAM Plan and RAM Status Report No. 1 
This document provides a summary and responses to comments received on the January 8, 2021 Release Abatement Measure Plan and the March 31 RAM Status Report No. 1.

06/24/2021: River’s Edge Public Involvement Meeting

11/4/2021: RAM Status Report No. 3
This document was prepared to provide additional information regarding RAM Activities including: the stabilization of lead in the firing range, post stabilization confirmatory soil sampling and analysis, the completion of the 32,000 cubic yard soil stockpile and firing range soils excavation and off-site transportation to approved recycling, reuse, or disposal facilities, and confirmatory sampling and analysis of native soils under the 32,000 cubic yard stockpile. This document also includes information pertaining to the installation of six new groundwater monitoring wells and the collection of eight groundwater samples for laboratory analysis.

11/18/2021: River’s Edge Public Involvement Meeting
VERTEX PowerPoint presentation slides from the RAM Status Report No. 3 Public Involvement Plan meeting held at the Wayland Town Hall on November 18, 2021.

02/03/2022: DRAFT RAM Completion Report (Part 1) (Part 2 – Appendix C)
This draft document was prepared to document the completion of activities outlined under the January 8, 2021 RAM Plan. This document will be finalized following a public comment period commencing 02/17/2022.

02/17/2022 DRAFT Downgradient Property Status Opinion Report (Part 1) (Part 2 – Appendix C)
This draft document was prepared to demonstrate that detections of dissolved arsenic, dissolved nickel, and PFAS in groundwater have migrated from off-site hydraulically upgradient locations.

02/17/2022 Public Meeting Presentation

06/17/2022 DRAFT Permanent Solution with No Conditions Presentation

Response to Public Comment – Draft RAM Completion Report

Response to Public Comment – Draft Downgradient Property Status 

Response to Public Comment – Draft PSNC

FINAL RAM Completion Report

Final Downgradient Property Status Opinion (Part 1) (Part 2 – Appendix C-F)

6/09/22 DRAFT – Permanent Solutions with No Conditions Statement (Part 1) (Part 2 – Appendix D-F)

9/06/22 – Final Permanent Solution with No Conditions Statement
(Part 1)
(Part 2)

RTN 3-36013 Previously Completed Reports

12/23/2019: Notice of Responsibility
This document is the official letter sent by the state to the Town of Wayland identifying the Town of Wayland as the person responsible to complete remediation associated with RTN 3-36013. Note that following purchase of the Site by Alta River’s Edge, LLC, Alta River’s Edge will complete remediation activities.

12/2/2020: Phase I ISI Report
The Phase I Initial Site Investigation and Tier Classification Report details the assessment activities that have been completed at the site, and what contaminants have been detected at the Site above regulatory criteria. The Phase I ISI Report also outlines the steps that are to be taken to remediate the Site under RTN 3-36013.

1/8/2021: Release Abatement Measure Plan
The Release Abatement Measure Plan, or RAM Plan, documents how the contaminated soil at the Site is to be excavated, transported, and disposed of off-site at approved facilities. The RAM Plan also evaluates risks to human health, public welfare, and the environment during soil movement activities, and outlines the failsafe’s that are to be put in place to maintain a condition of no significant risk to each of these receptors.

2/22/2021: Alta River’s Edge, LLC purchased the Site from the Town of Wayland. Tier Transfer documents to officially transfer of remediation responsibilities from the Town of Wayland to Alta River’s Edge, LLC will be uploaded upon completion.


Please contact:
Bill Gibbons PG, LSP
Senior Project Manager
The Vertex Companies, LLC

