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Surety Webinar: Tools for Managing Large Performance Bond Claims

Webinar: Tools for Managing Large Performance Bond Claims

May 14, 2020

This training will highlight best practices for systematic communication, data and document collection, and centralized cloud-enabled services enabling continuity and efficiency while utilizing VERTEX’s forensic accountants, construction managers, and information technology experts.

Large performance bond claims can be measured by value and scope or simply by the sheer number of open bonded projects. Determining how to best manage the various pieces of one mega project or one hundred smaller projects does not matter as much as how quickly the individual parts can be analyzed. Executing a plan that will allow the surety to gather information quickly and share it with all the relevant parties will greatly facilitate the surety’s investigation and management of claims.


If you are interested in this course or other AIA/CE/CLE accredited webinars or training, please contact us below.

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