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Combustion By-Product Investigation at a Private Residence

Project # 89076

Combustion By-Product Investigation at a Private Residence

VERTEX was retained to conduct a Combustion By-Product Investigation at a private residence in Connecticut. The oil-fired boiler located in the basement malfunctioned and produced smoke while the Insured was away on business for approximately two weeks. Upon returning to the residence, the Insured reported that visible soot, char, and ash, collectively termed combustion by-products or CBPs, impacts were evident throughout the residence and that carbon monoxide detectors were alarming from the basement to the second floor. It was reported to VERTEX that the local fire department was notified and provided emergency response activities (i.e., shutting off the boiler to prevent further smoke production).

VERTEX was asked to evaluate the extent of CBP impacts to building materials. To delineate the extent of impacts, VERTEX collected tape lift samples within wall cavities in spaces where visual CBP impacts were not evident. Based on our visual observations and analytical results from the tape lift samples, VERTEX prepared a remediation protocol with the assistance of our forensic construction team.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Forensic services or to speak with an Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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