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D037676 Highway Design, NYS Route 454, Drainage Improvements

Project # LKB

D037676 Highway Design, NYS Route 454, Drainage Improvements

About this Project

LKB, a wholly owned subsidiary of VERTEX, was retained by NYSDOT to provide design services (Phases V-VI) for this drainage improvement project. The purpose of this project was to install positive drainage systems with new recharge basins between Johnson Avenue and Broadway Avenue in Suffolk County, to address the ponding and pavement flooding that prevail in the area during rainfall events. The drainage needs and proposed drainage layout identified in the project’s Design Approval Document (DAD) were reviewed and reevaluated using Bentley Inroads Storm and Sanitary V8i software. The drainage evaluation process included the complicated task of incorporating portions of the existing drainage/leaching system into the proposed drainage system wherever feasible to meet the client’s budgetary needs. Also included with the project’s proposed improvements was the installation of continuous curbs, ADA compliant sidewalks and pedestrian ramps, reconstruction of roadway shoulders and driveways in areas requiring excavation for the installation of positive drainage structures and pipes, and repair/replacement of guiderail that was either damaged, beyond its service life or did not meet current AASHTO standards.


Suffolk County, NY


New York State Department of Transportation



This project was originally awarded to LOCKWOOD, KESSLER & BARTLETT, INC. (LKB), a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Vertex Companies, LLC since January 2021.

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