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Former Industrial Site Redevelopment

The Vertex Companies, LLC (VERTEX) was hired by the client to assist with pre-purchase due diligence and redevelopment environmental oversight activities. The pre-purchase tasks included the completion of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) to evaluate potential environmental concerns on the 5-acre parcel formerly operated as a foundry and manufacturing facility. Based on the findings of the ESA, VERTEX completed a Phase II Limited Site Investigation (LSI), that included the collection and analysis of soil, groundwater, and soil vapor samples.

The proposed redevelopment of the site included the demolition of the former structures; therefore, VERTEX completed pre-demolition asbestos-containing materials (ACM), lead-based paint (LBP), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) survey. VERTEX conducted inspections during ACM abatement and air clearance monitoring activities, as well as prepared applicable New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) Asbestos Control Program (ACP) reports.

As part of the City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) process with the New York City Department of City Planning, VERTEX prepared a Construction Health & Safety Plan (CHASP) and Remedial Action Plan (RAP) to describe the remediation and mitigation activities to be implemented during redevelopment activities.

Prior to construction, VERTEX performed soil characterization sampling to evaluate the approximately 25,500 cubic yards of soil to be excavated and disposed of off-site to accommodate redevelopment. In-situ soil sampling was conducted via test pits, and the analytical data and sample schematic was provided to soil disposal and re-use facilities to secure approval for off-site transport. Following approval, VERTEX provided soil management oversight services during the excavation, loading, and transport of material from the site. Oversight activities included soil screening, dust control management, excavation grid/disposal coordination, manifest completion, and disposal volume record keeping.

During site grading activities, the buried remnants of a former steel petroleum bulk storage, aboveground storage tank (AST), and petroleum-impacted soil were discovered. VERTEX reported a release to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), and completed remedial activities including, the removal of the tank remnants, excavation of petroleum-impacted soil, collection of post-excavation soil samples, sampling of petroleum-impacted concrete for waste characterization, and off-site disposal of soil and concrete. Following completion of the remedial activities, VERTEX prepared a spill closure report and obtained regulatory closure from the NYSDEC.

To address residual impacts remaining at the site from historic fill material, VERTEX designed engineering controls (composite cover system and environmental vapor barrier) for the proposed redevelopment. During construction activities, VERTEX conducted on-site inspections to ensure the proper installation of the engineering controls.


VERTEX has a team of environmental professionals that have the appropriate training to assess if a Site is a suitable candidate to complete a forensic investigation, collect the necessary data, and perform the appropriate analysis to successfully complete a forensic investigation.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Environmental Consulting and Environmental Claims Consulting services or to speak with an Environmental Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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