LKB, a wholly owned subsidiary of VERTEX, was retained by the Town of Hempstead to delineate a 390-acre watershed in the Town of Hempstead that discharges downstream to the Valley Stream Brook. Residential streets encompassed by the study area suffer from chronic flooding during major storm events and the study was funded to determine the root causes of flooding and to develop potential improvements to mitigate it. The study utilized the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) developed by the EPA and recorded rainfall data to recreate the 100 year storm event that occurred on 8/14/11, which served as the basis for drainage improvements. The results of the study and suggested improvements, including installation of over 5,500 linear feet of box culverts, were presented in a detailed Drainage Report.
LKB prepared plans and an estimate for over one mile of box culverts in the Franklin Square area. The work also included site investigation, field surveys, coordination with utilities and multiple municipal jurisdictions, environmental permitting, and performing drainage designs.
Franklin Square, NY
Town of Hempstead
This project was originally awarded to LOCKWOOD, KESSLER & BARTLETT, INC., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Vertex Companies, LLC since January 2021.
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