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New York State Police Troop F Barracks

VERTEX served as the Surety’s Completing Construction Manager for the completion of the Headquarters building addition, Headquarters renovation, and Field Investigation Unit building at the New York State Police Troop F Barracks in Middletown, New York. Following the default of the surety’s principal on the $5.8M construction project, VERTEX mobilized full-time, onsite project management to complete the construction and renovation of active-use buildings on the police facility campus. VERTEX’s role included ratification of existing subcontractors, buyout/procurement, managing and directing the completion of the remaining work, abating open deficiencies, and project closeout. VERTEX also managed the LEED submittal process and was instrumental in the project achieving LEED Silver status. On behalf of the surety, VERTEX also prepared a delay claim related to redesign by the Owner as well as flooring technical issues, which resulted in a favorable settlement and no assessment of damages against the surety.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Surety Claims Consulting or Completion Contracting services or to speak with a Construction Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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