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	Remediation & Regulatory Closure

VERTEX was contracted by the owner of an industrial park site to conduct environmental due diligence of a lighting manufacturing plant. The site, an approximately 10-acre parcel, was developed with a nearly 200,000 square foot manufacturing building located in Matamoros, Mexico. Operations at the facility included the production of light ballasts for fluorescent lights and chlorinated solvents in the production process. VERTEX conducted a phase II ESA to further investigate the hazardous materials/waste storage area. Soil and groundwater contamination was identified around a sump pit located in the hazardous waste storage area of the site. Contaminants included 1,2-DCE, PCE, and TCE. VERTEX was contracted to conduct an initial remedial investigation to evaluate the nature and extent of impacted soil and groundwater as well as to identify potential threats to human health and the environment. Following the identification/delineation of the contaminants, VERTEX was retained by the manufacturer to conduct the remediation at the site.

As part of the remediation, VERTEX performed a risk assessment of the groundwater to support natural attenuation. The remediation scope of work was prepared as required by LGPGIR regulations and approved by SEMARNAT. The remedial program included excavating and disposal of VOC-impacted soil from the area of the sump located on the northeast corner of the hazardous waste storage area and chemical storage building, and pumping and treating VOC-impacted groundwater prior to and during the excavation activities. Groundwater was extracted via pumps connected to dewatering wells. Upon extraction, groundwater was directed to two storage tanks with associated granular activated carbon (GAC) units placed in series to treat the water prior to discharge. The work scope also included the demolition and restoration of site structures to obtain access to impacted areas. At the time of this work, Mexico had recently developed remediation policies and procedures, and this site was one of the first to be brought through the regulatory system based on the new regulations. VERTEX received closure of soil contamination from SEMARNAT. The job was managed on time and on schedule.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Environmental Consulting services or to speak with an Environmental Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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