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Welwyn Preserve Shoreline Protection header
Welwyn Preserve Shoreline Protection header
Welwyn Preserve Shoreline Protection header

About this Project

LKB was retained by Nassau County Department of Public Works to provide design services for the construction of a new 1,300-foot-long stone revetment and concrete seawall, including an observation deck, service roads, parking areas, and walkways along the Long Island Sound shoreline abutting the Welwyn Nature Preserve.

The design services included analysis of wave forces, structural design of the stone revetment, concrete seawall and observation deck, site work, grading, demolition of existing seawall and pier remnants, repair of a 600-foot long stone jetty, installation of steel sheeting, permit applications to the NYSDEC and Army Corps of Engineers, cost estimating, and specifications. The design required that there be limited impact to the environmentally sensitive Long Island Sound, beach, and natural habitat of the preserve.


Glen Cove, NY


Nassau County Department of Public Works



This project was originally awarded to LOCKWOOD, KESSLER & BARTLETT, INC. (LKB), a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Vertex Companies, LLC since January 2021.