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David MacGillivrayPE, PG

Vice President, Environmental

David A. MacGillivray, M.A.Sc., P.Geo., P.Eng., QPESA | RA is the Principal Engineer and Vice President of VTX Consulting Services Inc. (VTX), the Canadian subsidiary of The Vertex Company Inc. of Weymouth, MA. He has over 25 years of experience in the fields of environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, and hydrogeology. Mr. MacGillivray’s career experience has included assignments involving Brownfields such as Phase One and Two ESAs, Record of Site Conditions, Risk Assessments, and Risk Management Plans. He has worked extensively in groundwater resource development and groundwater impact assessment. Mr. MacGillivray also provides expertise in the completion of geotechnical and groundwater control studies for civil projects including subdivisions, transportation, buildings, and servicing.

Mr. MacGillivray has extensive experience working with various levels of government, review agencies, industry, and private individuals. He works closely with members of the public, elected officials, and other professionals including planners, lawyers and scientists. He participates in public meetings and open houses. He has solid working knowledge of provincial and federal environmental regulations governing contaminated sites and the protection and use of groundwater. This includes the Environmental Protection Act, the Environmental Assessment Act, the Ontario Water Resources Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Planning Act. Mr. MacGillivray is a Qualified Person (QPESA | RA ) with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment to complete Risk Assessments and submit Records of Site Condition under Ontario Regulation 153/04 (Brownfield Regulation). He is routinely called to provide expert opinion and testimony on complex environmental matters.

Education & Certification

B.Sc., Geological Engineering, Queen’s University
M.A.Sc., Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo

Professional Engineer, State of AB, ON
Professional Geologist, State of ON