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State of the Construction Industry
Economic Analysis

2020 State of the Construction Industry

October 2, 2020

William J. McConnell PE, JD, MSCE, CDT, Chief Executive Officer of VERTEX, Presents his Annual Assessment of the Construction Industry

2019 was the tale of two halves. After the first two quarters of 2019, the construction industry was shaping up to more or less look like 2007, with public markets booming and private markets tanking. But wait, the Federal Open Market Committee cut the federal funds rate three times shortly thereafter and the private markets made an immediate rebound. Back in January, the outlook was the construction industry as well as the real estate markets would continue to boom into 2020.

But 2020 is like looking both ways before crossing the street and then getting hit by an airplane.

See below the slides of the 2020 State of the Industry Presentation given in October.

VERTEX Annual State of the Construction Industry 2020 from The Vertex Companies, LLC.
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