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Education/Training Events

Calculating and Presenting Construction Delay and Productivity Damages Webinar

November 2, 2022

On November 10th, at noon ET, VERTEX’s Jeff Katz and Andrew Sargent will be presenting a CE/CLE accredited webinar on “Calculating and Presenting Construction Delay and Productivity Damages“.

The purpose of this webinar is to review two common types of construction damages: delay and productivity. While the underlying methods for proving entitlement to damages may be similar, the methodologies for calculating these damages and the documentation required to do so varies. The presenters will review the common categories of delay damages – from both a contractor and owner perspective – and how documentation is used to calculate and present them. The session will also review productivity damages, the various methodologies available for estimating lost productivity, the favorability of these methodologies, and potential pitfalls. Finally, the decision of Turner v. Smithsonian, a case that featured multiple parties presenting loss of productivity claims using different methodologies, will be discussed.

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