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Environmental Hazards in Construction Webinar August 17 2023

July 24, 2023

VERTEX, a leading provider of educational programs for professionals in the construction industry, is pleased to announce an additional session of Environmental Hazards in Construction” webinar on August 17, 2023. This decision comes in response to the demand from participants who were unable to secure spots in the previous sessions.

Upcoming Webinar Information:

  • August 17, 2023 at 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (1 hour)
  • Course conducted by: Thomas Koch and Christopher DeCarlo
  • Approved 1.0 Hour of Credit: (CE: FL, TX, WA) & (CLE: IL, PA, WA)

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The comprehensive course is designed to equip participants with essential knowledge on the environmental hazards associated with construction activities. Licensed professionals, including adjusters and attorneys, will have the opportunity to enhance their understanding of potential hazards at different stages of construction, assess risks to workers and the public, and comprehend the potential health implications resulting from exposure to these hazards.

The webinar will cover a wide range of environmental hazards, focusing on those caused by improper construction methods, and offer practical guidance on mitigating these risks. By attending, participants will gain insights into identifying adverse conditions before they lead to exposure and develop strategies to effectively manage claims related to environmental hazards.

Key Highlights of the Webinar:

  • In-depth understanding of environmental hazards in construction
  • Identification of potential hazards at different construction stages
  • Risk assessment for workers and the public
  • Awareness of health implications from exposure to hazards
  • Practical guidance on mitigating environmental hazards
  • Strategies for identifying adverse conditions before exposure occurs
  • Claims management related to environmental hazards

The “Environmental Hazards in Construction” webinar will be conducted by industry experts Thomas Koch and Christopher DeCarlo who have extensive experience in construction safety and environmental risk management. Participants can expect an interactive learning environment, with real-world case studies and practical examples.

Registrations for the additional session are now open, and interested individuals are encouraged to secure their spots early. To register or find more information about the webinar, please click below:

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