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Jamaica Petroleum Terminals – Risk Assessment

Project # 82156

Jamaica Petroleum Terminals – Risk Assessment

VERTEX was retained by the client to conduct a Qualitative Risk Assessment (QRA) of the technological, social, and environmental risks posed by the facility and an evaluation of the existing fire prevention systems to determine if they were adequate to sufficiently mitigate those risks. This included an evaluation of the credible hazards associated with the operations of the facility, the probability and potential consequences of those hazards, and the risk to the facility operations, surrounding properties, and the environment resulting from the identified hazards. Then the existing fire mitigation, prevention and suppression systems were evaluated in terms of their ability to mitigate the identified hazards and reduce or eliminate risks.

The Risk Assessment was mandated by the environmental authorities in Jamaica. The assessment provided a ranking of the sources of significant risks along with recommended actions to mitigate or eliminate the risk. The ranking allowed the company to put together a detailed plan with timelines and budgetary considerations that maximized risk reduction for each subsequent expenditure. The risk reduction plan was submitted to the regulatory authority, which allowed the facility to continue operating while implementing the recommendations in the risk assessment.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Fire Protection and Engineering Design services or to speak with an Engineering Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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