Christian Hayes
Senior Fire Protection Engineer, Fire Protection
Christian is a graduate of the University of North Florida, where he studied Electrical Engineering. Following his graduation, he was employed as a Fire Protection Engineer focused on notification and detection systems including fire alarm, mass notification, and flame and gas detection. He has completed numerous fire alarm system related project tasks such as wire routing diagrams and battery and voltage drop calculations. In addition to notification and detection systems, Christian has become knowledgeable and proficient in the design of other fire protection systems such as suppression, smoke control, life safety and egress, and firewater distribution systems.
Mr. Hayes’ project experience includes:
- Fire alarm and mass notification systems design
- Life safety and egress systems design
- Smoke control system reviews and evaluation
- Site firewater system design
- Water based systems design and hydraulic calculations
- Technical specification development
- Inspection, testing, and maintenance
Education & Certification
B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of North Florida
NFPA 1081 Advanced Exterior Facility Fire Brigade Member