We are pleased to announce that Andrew Zagorski, Division Manager of VERTEX’s Canadian subsidiary, VTX Consulting Services Inc., will be speaking at the Surety Association of Canada Young Professionals Event on Thursday, September 28th. The event, generously sponsored by Travelers, will cover the ‘2 of the Cs of Surety: Character & Claims’.
Surety professionals know the 3 Cs of underwriting – character, capacity, and capital, but there’s that fourth C in surety that people don’t want to talk about, the dreaded C – claims. In this interactive session, VTX’s Zagorski and André Giasson of Aon (and Steward of Suretyship 2015) will focus on 2 of the Cs: character and claims. Resolving claims and coming to equitable and timely solutions is linked directly to character. However, YPs won’t be looking at character in the context of the contractors they represent, they will be looking in the mirror and discussing how in this world of instantaneous communication and technology, surety professionals too, should and will be judged by their character.
YPs will walk away with a better understanding of:
- Cost To Complete Analysis: how a project is reviewed, captured and analyzed;
- Cost Benefit Analysis: a cost review of what it would take to complete the project;
- When to involve a Consultant: things to watch for, when to go on site, and what role can a consultant play (monitoring, managing, retendering reconciling, defense claim assistance); and
- The art of suretyship: with smartphones attached like an additional appendage to anyone over the age of 12 now, do people really know how to build and maintain business relationships? How do you build business relationships that transcend technology?
Please contact VTX or visit the Surety Association of Canada website for more information.