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Stapleton Business Center North, Denver, CO

VERTEX provided Facility Closure Services at a Former Northwest Pipe Facility in Denver, Colorado to make way for the construction of a light industrial park. Services consisted of the following:

Permit Compliance and Closure Services: VERTEX researched and identified all existing permits associated with the facility and developed a compliance matrix by permit type, timing of close-out, responsible party and status. The matrix was used to track progress and ensure that any operating permits are properly closed out prior to NW Pipe vacating the property.

Water Well Abandonments: VERTEX provided industrial well abandonment services as part of the project. The site was served by an approximately 450 foot deep industrial well that required abandonment and regulatory closure. VERTEX abandoned the well by perforating multiple sections of the well casing prior to installing neat cement grout. Well abandonment paperwork was prepared and submitted to the state and closure was filed in accordance with all regulations.

Pre-Demolition Hazardous Material Survey (Destructive Sampling): VERTEX performed a destructive asbestos survey to supplement our initial asbestos survey and comply with the USEPA’s National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations. The inspection identified visible, accessible ACM that was required to be abated prior to proposed demolition activities. The survey consisted of the following items:

  • Observations of friable and non-friable ACM
  • Physical assessment of suspected friable materials
  • Bulk sampling and laboratory analysis
  • Preparation of a Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey report documenting findings, recommendations and conclusions

Asbestos Abatement, Regulated Materials Removal and Clearance Services: VERTEX performed turnkey asbestos abatement and regulated materials removal activities at the Site including the abatement of approximately one mile of buried asbestos-wrapped piping from beneath structural foundations and scattered throughout the site.  VERTEX also performed the following monitoring services during the completion of abatement operations at the site:

  • Visual Inspection of enclosures, barriers, surfaces and containments to ensure complete removal of asbestos-containing materials;
  • Air clearance sampling, as required by Colorado regulations, in the containment areas;
  • Completed project closeout documentation, including air monitoring results, disposal certification and contractor’s submittal documentation.

Environmental Remediation: This task included enrollment of the site into the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division- Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) and brownfield tax credit program.  The remediation included the characterization, delineation, management and oversight of the excavation and disposal of contaminated soils identified in on-site as a result of historical industrial operations.  A total of approximately 2,370 cubic yards of impacted soils were excavated and disposed from 12 isolated areas under VERTEX’s oversight.  VERTEX implemented a confirmation soil sampling program to ensure remaining soils were protective of human health and the environment.  Upon completion of the environmental remediation, VERTEX obtained a No Action Determination (NAD) through the VCP and secured approximately $175,000 in brownfield tax credits for the Client as a result of successful remediation of contaminated land.

Project Closeout Services: Upon completion of the project, VERTEX prepared a comprehensive close-out report documented sampling and laboratory analytical results, records of waste disposal activities, load tickets, recycling tickets, submittals, permits, photographs, and approvals associated with implementation of the scope of work.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Environmental Consulting services or to speak with an Environmental Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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