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Rope Access Moisture Intrusion Assessment

VERTEX provided forensic services on a mixed-use complex damaged by water intrusion. More specifically, it was determined that invasive investigation techniques were necessary to evaluate the moisture contact behind the exterior cladding and the weather-resistive barrier of the site structure.

Due to difficult access conditions at several elevations, VERTEX utilized the in-house Rope Access Engineering Team to perform a moisture probe survey to determine if moisture from defective components was water-sensitive exterior wall sheathing. Moisture probes were installed at 34 locations throughout the EIFS and stone veneer cladding for an appropriate representation of the conditions behind the exterior cladding. An additional 7 test cuts were made, where elevated moisture readings were present, to identify the as-built conditions behind the cladding. VERTEX’s expertise in construction defects and the ability to overcome challenging access conditions resulted in a comprehensive repair plan and restoration that was overseen by VERTEX’s owner solutions group.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Engineering and Consulting services or to speak with an Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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