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US Military Transient Quarters and Dining Facility

Project # 40892

US Military Transient Quarters and Dining Facility

This project for the US Army Corps of Engineers is located at the Naval Support Activity (NSA) Bahrain which is a US Navy base. The design/build project consists of CMU construction of a four-story Transient Quarters (TQ) military personnel housing facility and a single-story Dining Facility (DFAC). The project includes the construction of two structures, one a cast-in-place concrete four story 6658 square meter, 257 double occupancy room transient quarters building with support spaces (laundry, gear wash, lobby, housekeeping, retail, storage, etc.) and second is a cast-in-place one story 1579 square meter dining facility which includes a full commercial kitchen, walk-in freezer/fridge, dishwashing facilities, and staff support areas.

Project systems included central plant chilled water HVAC system, electrical system, fire protection, and fire alarm systems, EIFS exterior, protected bituminous membrane roof, blast proof steel doors and blast proof aluminum windows and storefront, contractor (VERTEX) supplied and installed kitchen equipment and FF&E, and sitework improvements (grading, landscaping, paving, SW’s, lighting, etc.). Site improvements included storm drainage, grading, walkways and sidewalks, utility corridors, fire protection access, bicycle racks, site lighting, site furniture and enclosures, and landscaping. The project is pursuing LEED Silver certification.

VERTEX was the Completion Contractor managing the overall completion of the project including all subcontractor and vendor management, project schedule, project quality control program and associated staff, all project costs and cost controls, project design, and owner/USACE coordination.

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