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US Army Base, Germany

VERTEX was retained by the surety for the Prime Contractor of a two-story 126,000-square foot facility including operations centers, collaboration centers, storage, personnel support functions, and standby generators; as well as ancillary facilities such as a Chiller Building and Transformer Building, and site and utility improvements. The concrete shell building featured numerous finishes, as well as specialty work, such as a green roof system, anti-terrorist force protection, and more. VERTEX staff was mobilized by the surety to provide both onsite and remote supplementation for the Prime Contractor, as well as consulting services for the surety. VERTEX’s staff assisted the Prime Contractor for over three years, and in its supplementation capacity, VERTEX provided project controls assistance, quality control, field supervision, subcontractor management, assistance in preparation of requests for equitable adjustments, and review and defense of subcontractor claims. VERTEX also assisted the surety with schedule and cost monitoring.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Surety Claims Consulting or Construction Claims Consulting services or to speak with a Construction Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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