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Construction Monitoring, Food Processing Facility

VERTEX is performing Lender’s Construction Monitoring Services for an expansion and automation project at an active 545,000 SF food processing facility located in Jackson, Ohio. The project consists of the necessary building improvements to implement multiple phases of automation for boxing, palletizing, and freezer storage of frozen food meals. The building improvements mainly include the construction of a new 32,000 SF freezer building and the expansion/built-out of other areas necessary to house the new palletizing and automation equipment. This project’s goal for automation is to keep labor costs down and speed up packaging/palletizing/storage/retrieval speeds of palleted products to and from the freezer.
The new, freezer building will be approximately 70-feet in height and will abut the existing facility. The building will be a steel-framed structure supported on spread footings and have a glycol-insulated slab-on-grade and prefabricated metal wall panels. The freezer refrigerant system is also being sized to accommodate a 50% increase in the freezer size for a future Phase II expansion. The main challenge of the project includes working on a confined site at an operating food processing plant.

VERTEX is responsible for the review of the contractor’s payment applications, consulting on change orders, and monitoring the contractor’s schedule adherence, progress, and quality of workmanship and safety on-site.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Owner’s Representation services or to speak with a Construction Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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