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Corpus Christi Naval Air Station

VERTEX was contacted by a national design and construction company that was contracted by the US Navy to renovate a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) at the Corpus Christi Naval Air Station (NAS). Prior to the work, our client needed to fully evaluate the WWTP for the presence of hazardous building conditions including asbestos-containing materials (ACM), lead-containing paint (LCP), universal waste (fluorescent lamps, ballasts, mercury switches, etc.), and hazardous substances.

A team of VERTEX’s assessors reviewed existing documentation related to the WWTP, including plans for the renovation, which included demolition of several structures. Based on the information provided, VERTEX developed sampling plans for ACM and LCP for each structure scheduled for demolition or renovation. VERTEX also developed a detailed health and safety plan to support the work.

The VERTEX team conducted the site reconnaissance including observations of the WWTP structures for storage of hazardous substances and the presence of universal wastes. VERTEX then sampled building materials and finishes for the presence of ACM and LCP. The samples were submitted to an accredited laboratory for analysis. The results of the sampling, along with the inventory of universal wastes and hazardous substances, were provided to the client to assist in the development of a project design for the renovation and to facilitate worker protection during demolition and renovation.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Industrial Hygiene & Building Sciences services or to speak with an Environmental Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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