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Indoor Air Quality Survey of Industrial Facility in Ontario

Project # 10042.CA

Indoor Air Quality Survey of Industrial Facility in Ontario

VTX was retained by the Client to conduct an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) survey to assess potential employee exposure to Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) that were noted by previous building owners in the indoor air, sub-slab air samples and groundwater at the Site. The IAQ survey was conducted pursuant to industry-accepted IAQ sampling standard practice and IAQ sampling methodology. Historical Chlorinated VOC contamination, resulting from solvents used by others at a portion of the Site for the processing of electronics, is present in soil and groundwater at Site. VTX’s scope of work included taking air samples at various locations within the Site and outdoors. The analytical data was compared to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change’s Modified Generic Risk Assessment (MGRA) model.

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