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Pease Airforce Base
Pease Airforce Base
Pease National Guard Air Base header

VERTEX is serving as the Completion Contractor for two airplane hangars at the Pease National Guard Air Base in Newington, NH. The project consists of the addition and renovation of two existing hangars to accommodate the new Boeing KC-46 Refueling Aircraft.

The Fuel Cell Building 253, project consists of the construction of approximately 18,947 square feet, the remodeling of approximately 11,134 square feet of the existing building, and minor touch up and repair of the remaining 17,969 square feet. The total remodeled/repaired area is approximately 29,103 square feet and the total building area is approximately 48,088 square feet. The General Maintenance Hangar, Building 254, consists of the construction of approximately 18,972 square feet, the remodeling of approximately 10,755 square feet of the existing building, and minor touch up and repair of the remaining approximate 71,210 square feet. The total remodeled/repaired area is approximately 82,000 square feet.

The expanded hangars required to accommodate the larger aircraft and the buildings’ heating, fire suppression and detection systems, life safety systems, electrical systems, and structural systems are being repaired or upgraded.

Project Update

On February 1st, 2021, the VERTEX team and the New Hampshire Air National Guard (NHANG) reached a major milestone on the Pease Air National Guard Base Hangars project in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, achieving Beneficial Use and Occupancy of Building 253, the first of two maintenance hangars that have been in construction under this contract. Just as importantly, the KC-46 Pegasus refueling plane fit comfortably into its new home.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Surety Claims Consulting or Completion Contracting services or to speak with a Construction Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.