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Construction Risk Assessment and Forensic Services in Chicago, Illinois

VERTEX is a global leader in construction management and forensic services with a widespread presence across the Midwest and offices in Denver, Dearborn, St. Louis, and Wichita. Our Illinois office is located in Chicago, and it covers the region offering valuable services to insurance carriers, law firms, sureties, commercial real estate owners, developers, property managers, as well as financiers, bankers, and insurers. Each case is handled with utmost attention to detail and top-tier expertise that our civil and structural engineers, technical and construction professionals, economists, and risk assessors bring to the team and your project.

Our team offers comprehensive multidisciplinary solutions to projects and clients across the region. Our specialties for the healthcare industry and hospitals, multinationals, industrial owners and managers, and attorneys make us stand out in the AEC industry. Regarding the public sector, we take great pride in our work experience within higher education development, renewable sources, environmental cleanups, server farms, and bridge and highway design.



The Vertex Companies of Illinois, Inc.1 North La Salle Street Suite 1620,Chicago, Illinois 60602USA781-952-6000

Forensic services and expert witnesses

Construction & architect expert witness services and forensic consulting are some of the essential services we provide to our Chicago clients. We guarantee that you’ll have the best team in your corner! Thanks to the rich experience acquired through diverse types of disputes, VERTEX specialists got you covered, whether the service you need is related to architecture, construction, civil engineering, accounting, or environmental and natural disasters.

Our multidisciplinary team is ready to take on any litigation or claim, investigate and gather all the technical evidence and facts, do the necessary analysis, determine the cause of failure, build a strong case, and present it in court if necessary. However, most claims are settled out of court, and having a solid case will help the process resolve faster and be more cost-effective so that you can get out quickly and as a prevailing party.

Environmental due diligence

This is one of the essential parts of any construction project or property-related risk assessment process. It consists of a thorough investigation to evaluate environmental conditions and identify, prevent, or mitigate any potential risk associated with the real estate property in question. It’s conducted by experts with extensive multidisciplinary knowledge or a team of professionals with expertise in different scientific fields. Due diligence services can be requested by certain government entities, as well as private contractors, owners, land developers, lenders, etc.

The environmental due diligence process aims to determine the presence and identify any of the possible recognized environmental conditions (RECs). The experts conduct their research by following the regulations and standards established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Following their guidelines and rules is necessary as each location and property must be assessed according to a particular set of characteristics. After gathering the data, conducting precise measurements, taking necessary samples, and examining them, our Chicago environmental due diligence experts will compose a report and present it to the party they were hired by.

Environmental loss control consulting

Environmental loss control is a method of containing and mitigating environmental risks and hazards that could arise from construction efforts, present danger to the public and environment, and cause various types of loss for policyholders and insurance companies. Exposure to hazardous materials and waste, chemical spills, mold or water intrusion, fires, or contamination are only some of the possible scenarios that can be prevented or mitigated.

Prevention or risk control is undoubtedly preferable to dealing with the consequences when the incident already happens. Prevention can be accomplished by integrating applicable methods and performance improvements into construction industry practices. VERTEX’s environmental loss control team in Chicago offers consulting and environmental remediation services. It proactively engages in prevention and alleviation efforts to reduce the risk of their occurrence or mitigate the severity of their consequences. Our team employs safety and risk management assistance to identify situations and conditions that could lead to undesirable consequences and losses.

Industrial hygiene services in Chicago

Industrial hygiene consulting firms like VERTEX implement control measures and utilize effective practices to evaluate, identify and control environmental and workplace hazards. The main goal of these procedures is to protect the well-being and health of construction site workers and community members living near the construction site location.

The job of industrial hygienist companies is to apply their expertise, adhere to health standards, and make sure that the workforce and the community aren’t impacted by various hazards that could be present on the construction site. Those hazards might include:

  • Chemical ones, like fumes or vapors.
  • Biological, like bacteria or viruses.
  • Physical, like radiation or heat.
  • Air contaminants, like aerosols or fibers.

After identifying potentially present hazards, VERTEX experts will compile the data, analyze it and make reports and recommendations about optimal remediation programs to tackle the threats. They will collaborate with project and construction site management to implement and integrate those programs and monitor their progress. These effective practices will help protect workers and local community members from poisonings, injuries, and respiratory or skin conditions.

Construction risk assessment & monitoring

Since every construction project carries the possibility of unforeseen events and circumstances, our Chicago construction risk management team provides in-depth analysis and inspections to ensure that the project will run smoothly. People in the industry know that construction is a risky business; heavy machinery and equipment, large numbers of workers and external factors create a dynamic site with numerous moving parts that need careful monitoring to keep everyone safe and the work advancing according to plan.

This is why bringing an experienced team of experts and consultants in the early stages of a construction project can bring great value with risk assessment and monitoring services. They go over any potential risks, possible solutions, and suitable courses of action so project stakeholders can minimize hazards and challenges by responding in a safe and cost-effective way.

There are many aspects of a construction project to consider, but depending on the particularities of each construction program, they typically include:

  • Environmental risks, both internal and external.
  • Project risks.
  • Financial risks.
  • Legal risks.

Planning during the preconstruction phase and exploring all possible scenarios can help save lives, prevent workflow disruption and delays, and optimize the owner’s ROI. Continuous risk monitoring and clear communication with the stakeholders and other involved parties are also essential parts of the process, and make mitigating potential mishaps easier and faster.

Property condition assessments

Property condition assessment (PCA) or property condition report (PCR) is one of the phases of a real estate due diligence. When it comes to commercial real estate, various types of building structures and other properties, or planning projects like renovations, being fully aware of the condition of the property in question is the deciding factor when determining how to proceed. Property condition assessment reports can, for example, help estimate renovation costs and help with budgeting or projecting a return on investment.

VERTEX’ experts in Chicago conduct investigations following the industry-accepted guidelines of ASTM E2018. Following this standard guide helps divide the assessment process into four main stages:

  • Interviews and documentation reviews.
  • Walk-through surveys.
  • Opinion about the costs needed to remedy any physical deficiencies.
  • The completion of the Property Condition Report (PCR).

If the ASTM guide is meticulously followed, the client can rest assured that they will receive a PCR that provides the most accurate estimate and information about the property they might want to purchase, lease, maintain, renovate, or finance.

Frequently Asked Questions

As in many other fields that require highly educated and experienced professionals, expertise in the construction industry describes an individual with a superior level of knowledge, skills, and qualifications of critical importance for their job performance. In addition, expertise often includes multidisciplinary knowledge that allows these specialists to connect and integrate multiple areas of practice to achieve professional excellence.

The main types of construction in Chicago and other parts of the US are:

  • Residential.
  • Commercial.
  • Industrial.
  • Infrastructure.

However, different types of construction can also be classified in other ways, depending on the owner, market sector, occupancy, and laws that apply to the construction process. Projects can also be publicly or privately funded.

Construction claims consultants in Chicago and other parts of the world are professionals who provide their expert services for arbitration, mediation, or trial. They often work with their clients’ legal counsel to navigate construction claims that can emerge during any phase of a construction project and perform claims analysis to build a compelling case and ensure successful resolution for their clients.

The façade and the building envelope are the exterior elements of the building structure, but their functionality is somewhat different. The façade is usually the aesthetic and visually attractive components that express the architect’s and owner’s design vision and sensibility. They can be considered the decorative components that conceals functional but less attractive elements of the building’s exterior.

The building envelope consists of all the features that separate the interior parts of the building from the outdoors. It includes exterior walls, roofs, foundations, doors, and windows. Its function is to protect the interior, reduce energy consumption, and prevent water and moisture from penetrating the building.

Both our domestic and international presence and experience, particularly across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, underpins the extensive knowledge and expertise of our locally-based Illinois team members, who also have the advantage of a detailed understanding of state laws, rules, and regulations. Aside from a decades-long presence in the industry, our highly qualified forensic engineer experts are licensed and certified members of professional associations.

Reach out to our Illinois construction risk management specialists for reliable advice about any AEC challenge you might be facing. We can also offer:

Relentless commitment to excellence and a detail-oriented approach has made VERTEX one of the most sought-after consulting services in the U.S. and abroad. We individualize our approach to respond to the demands of diverse project types and a wide range of public and private clients.