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Industrial Hygiene & Building Sciences

VERTEX identifies and manages potential hazards associated with building materials, indoor air quality, water quality, and mold.

Whether your mission is to renovate or demolish existing structures, ensure a healthy and safe work environment, comply with local, state, and federal regulations, or address concerns of potential exposure to hazardous materials, VERTEX can help you identify, implement, and achieve your goals in a timely and cost-effective manner.

VERTEX is unique for our niche expertise with the hospital and healthcare industry. VERTEX provides a full range of occupational exposure compliance, indoor air quality, risk assessments, environmental infection control, and environment of care consulting services with a specialization in serving healthcare facilities.

Certified Industrial Hygiene Consulting

The expertise and experience of VERTEX’s Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIHs) and other technical staff allow us to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control workplace conditions that may cause workers’ injury or illness. VERTEX’s expert staff uses environmental monitoring and analytical methods to detect the extent of worker exposure and employ engineering, work practice controls, and other methods to control potential health hazards.

VERTEX’s team of CIHs conducts exposure assessments that involve measurements of chemical and physical agents using direct-reading instruments as well as full-shift and task-specific personal exposure sampling. Based on analytical results, observations and interviews, we develop specific recommendations for exposure control.

Water Intrusion/Mold Growth

VERTEX’s Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIHs), Certified Microbial Consultants (CMC), Certified Indoor Environmentalists (CIEs), and other technical staff has extensive experience with conducting cause and origin investigations associated with water intrusion and microbial issues in the indoor environment. VERTEX’s Water Intrusion/Mold investigation consulting services can assist clients with conducting: Cause and Origin assessments; Mold investigation; Moisture mapping; Bioaerosol sampling; Remedial protocol preparation; Contractor bid solicitations; Remedial monitoring; and Post remediation verification sampling.

Water Intrusion/Mold O&M Planning and Training

VERTEX has extensive experience preparing Water Intrusion/Mold Management Plans and providing Mold Awareness training on a national basis. VERTEX can prepare these plans for single structures, multi-building complexes, as well as corporate plans that are prepared for specific geographical areas. VERTEX’s Water Intrusion/Mold Plans and training can be prepared to specific property types whether it’s owned or leased including commercial, retail, office, hospitality, healthcare, hospitals, schools/universities, industrial, multi-family residential, and more.

Indoor Air Quality Assessments

VERTEX’s expertise and highly skilled Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIHs), Certified Indoor Environmentalists (CIEs), and other technical staff coupled with our extensive knowledge of building sciences lend us the capability to develop specific assessment protocols to assist clients in determining the non-specific pollutant sources typically associated with Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) concerns. VERTEX designs each IAQ assessment on a case-by-case basis as no two IAQ issues are alike. Depending on the complexity of the IAQ concerns, VERTEX has the ability to utilize our in-house professional engineers, mechanical engineers, and HVAC experts to assess all aspects of a building’s functionality such as construction design, ventilation, intake, and exhaust air ratios. Once suspected sources of the IAQ concerns are identified, VERTEX can assist the client with the implementation of measures to mitigate adverse sources and improve IAQ.

Radon Consulting

VERTEX has experienced Industrial Hygienists and Environmental Consultants who can conduct radon inspections, and work closely with accredited analytical laboratories to determine the amount of Radon present and provide professional guidance to ensure that commercial spaces are below the recommended levels of exposure.

Asbestos & Lead-Based Paint Consulting

VERTEX’s Senior Management has been involved in asbestos and lead-based paint consulting since the 1980s when it all began. Our licensed inspectors, designers, project monitors, and management planners maintain the highest level of expertise and are instrumental in completing the consulting activities in a cost-effective and timely matter. Our goal is to always assist clients in interpreting specific local, state, and federal regulations associated with Asbestos and Lead-based paint. Our technical staff ensures that the asbestos and/or lead projects are completed in compliance with specific state requirements, NESHAPs, AHERA, HUD, and/or USEPA RRP, whether it’s conducting a pre-renovation survey of a structure or monitoring abatement activities through completion. VERTEX can assist the client with all aspects of Asbestos and Lead-based paint consulting including asbestos/lead surveys, preparation of Operation and Management (O&M) plans, abatement design, specification preparation, abatement cost estimates, contractor bid solicitation, abatement project monitoring, abatement clearance inspections/sampling, and preparation of closeout documentation.

PCB Remediation and Consulting

VERTEX’s technical staff can assist clients with identifying potential Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) containing materials through sampling. Depending on the extent of PCB containing materials as well as project scheduling, and ultimate project goals (renovation, demolition, change in use), VERTEX will consult with the client to determine the most cost-effective and timely approach to remediate the PCB waste. Our work is always performed in accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations, no matter if it involves conducting Self Implementing Plan (SIP), Performance-Based Remediation, or Risk-Based Remediation. VERTEX can also assist the client in navigating and interpreting specific regulations associated with testing, handling, and disposing of PCB waste and act as a liaison between the client and the EPA regulators.

Building Water Systems Management & Compliance

VERTEX develops and implements comprehensive Water Management Programs for Building Water Systems in compliance with complex government rules, regulations, codes, and industry standards.

The publication of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188-2015, Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems, established a new Standard of Care for cooling towers and domestic (potable) water systems. New rules, regulations, and accreditation requirements have been followed. To help our clients meet the new Standard of Care, VERTEX formed a specialized practice dedicated to providing best-in-class advisory, management, and compliance services for Building Water Systems. Our work in Building Water Systems is performed by a dedicated team of environmental experts and supported by the full organizational resources of VERTEX, giving us the ability to meet our client’s needs quickly and efficiently. Services include:

  • Building Water Management Programs
  • Education & Training About Building Water Systems
  • Analysis of Building Water Systems
  • Implementation Support Services
  • Building Water Sampling Plans
  • Independent Sampling of Building Water
  • Building Water Systems Data Management & Analytics
  • Audit & Survey Preparedness


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