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Property Condition Assessments

VERTEX’s team provides clients with property condition assessment services for acquisition, management, and disposition planning.

VERTEX utilizes the latest iteration of ASTM’s Baseline Property Condition Assessment Process as a basis for our evaluations. Our estimated renovation costs are based on current market rates, enabling stakeholders to project reasonable budget figures when considering property values. VERTEX’s PCA reports exceed the requirements outlined by ASTM, and take the cost estimating and long-range budget forecasting a step further by including an additional Capital Needs estimate for longer-term evaluations.


A property condition assessment (PCA) is an inspection of a commercial, mixed-use or large residential property. Its main objective of a PCA is to ‘’identify and communicate physical deficiencies of the subject property’’. PCAs are regulated by the Standard Guide for Property Condition Assessments (ASTM E2018).


An individual engineer or another qualified professional with general experience in the evaluation of all building components typically conducts the field effort in a visual assessment that exceeds the requirements of ASTM E2018.


This assessment includes a Level I PCA, with specific items of concern investigated in more detail by one or more specialists in their respective fields (mechanical engineer, roofing consultant, etc.).


This assessment includes a Level I PCA, with specific items of concern investigated in more detail by a team of specialists, including specialty subcontractors where warranted and the operation and testing of individual systems or components where warranted and approved. These more detailed assessments may include evaluation and test data, sampling or operation of equipment. VERTEX’s team includes Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems experts with experience in heavy industrial, manufacturing, LNG and LPG properties, among others. A few other areas of analysis include:

Hydraulic Analysis – testing and review of existing system performance to determine the hydraulic capabilities of an existing system.

Code Consulting – review of applicable building and fire codes to determine specific client requirements or to confirm that existing systems meet code requirements.

Audits and Surveys – evaluation of existing systems to confirm adequate protection and determine “gaps” (GAP analysis).

PFAS Foam Retrofit Consulting – used to effectively suppress fires from flammable liquids stored in depth assists clients in these retrofit processes.


VERTEX can provide general or detailed descriptions of the existing condition including photographic and video documentation of observed deficiencies. These baseline surveys are often utilized by owners or tenants to determine existing conditions at the time of tenant first occupancy. Condition surveys are also utilized in the construction industry to provide baseline conditions prior to construction activities, including drilling and blasting, pile driving or other vibration inducing procedures.


VERTEX’s building measurement services include verification of building dimensions and calculated square footage to confirm or deny reported floor areas utilizing recognized Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) standards.


VERTEX’s PCA assessment services can include expert testing and review on fire protection systems and life safety systems. We provide specialized hydraulic analysis, consequence modeling, consulting about applicable building and fire codes, and GAP analysis. Learn more about Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems services.


As a supplement to our PCA visit, or as a stand-alone service, VERTEX professionals can evaluate a building’s potential for Energy Savings. A review of utility usage, coupled with a detailed site walk, results in recommended actions for building improvement for both low/no-cost opportunities and longer-term capital intensive projects.


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JL Summerlin

The PCA ASTM Standard (E2018) has outlined the commercial property inspection process into four major components:

  • Document Review & Interviews
  • Walk-Through Survey
  • Opinion of Costs to Remedy Physical Deficiencies
  • Property Condition Report (PCR)

You can learn more each step of the Property Condition Assessment process here.